Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Flax Fields

I had to get out and shoot some more fields of flax before the flowers all fall off. The field by my house is just about done blooming so I went to a few others in the area.

It's windy today and I tried to use that to my advantage. In the following two shots I used my Neutral Density filter (really dark filter) so that I could keep the shutter open longer and create some blur amongst the flax to show the motion of the wind. I like the abstract appeal that the finished image gives.

The haze coming from the fires in Alberta give the South Dakota landscape a soft texture.

I love seeing these rolling hills of blue.

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Cristen. I even had several stems bloom in a flower pot outside. We used flaxseed in chicken nests and they stick to the egg shells. So when I wash eggs I have flaxseed in the water I pour on my flowers. Viola. Problem is, the blooms don't last very long.
